2016 Flyer

Fundraising Events 2017

We’d love you to get involved in any or all of these 3 events. Please contact bursary@womeninpoweruk.co.uk to book your place or for more info. All of these are raising much needed funds so that we can continue to support women on lower incomes to take their place at the initiation.

1) WiP Cook & Feast Day – Sunday 26th Feb 2017 (London NW3) with Audrey Boss, Food & Eating Coach and Kitchen Coordinator for WiP 2016
Calling all WiP foodies! How would it be to come and eat food that has been prepared especially for you, based on your ideal of a healthy diet and in the company of other Women in Power? The WiP Cook & Feast menu will be designed around your likes and dislikes, can and can’t, will and won’t eat foods – served with love and the best quality ingredients I can find. Taking inspiration from each guest and our very popular menu from the Initiation, we will create a feast to share, enjoying our favourite foods and discovering what sets alight other WiPers tastebuds. A feast that is as colourful and varied as the group of women who will sit down to eat it. Each one of us with a slightly different take on what a fabulous meal looks like and yet all united by a shared desire for nourishment, enjoyment and connection. No need to have Masterchef skills or know your way around the kitchen. As long as you’re keen, you’re welcome! It will be held at 10 Rosemont Road, London NW3 6NE
Option 1: Cook & Feast for £75-100 (pay what you can afford): spend the morning cooking and preparing the food for the feast with Food & Eating Coach Audrey. An opportunity to learn new recipes, new techniques and perhaps try some new ingredients and flavour combinations (10.30am-3pm) Up to 6 women.
Option 2: Just Feast for £30: Leave the hard work to us and just show up to dig in and enjoy the company (1-3pm) Up to 8 women who will join the 6 cooks.

All money after covering food costs will go towards the bursary. Audrey is donating her skills and time for free, and these prices represent a considerable discount. More info on how Audrey works:  http://www.beyondchocolate.co.uk/what-we-offer/working-with-audrey/
Contact bursary@womeninpoweruk.co.uk to book your place and state which option.

*This event is open to all women and not just those who have been through WIP so feel free to invite families and friends.

2) Bursary Art Day – Sunday 12th March (St. Werburgh’s City Farm, Bristol). Another chance to relax and enjoy Clare Davis’ playful, encouraging approach to art.  A fabulous day away from your everyday life enjoying her amazing range of art materials and realising that yes, you too are an artist – and to spend time together with other initiated women. Bring anything you might like to include in your work or images that particularly inspire you, along with an object for our archetype altar that we will create together at the start of the workshop. Bring lunch to share. Cost £30-£50 (pay what you can afford)
Contact bursary@womeninpoweruk.co.uk to book your place 

*This event is open to all women and not just those who have been through WIP so feel free to invite families and friends.

3) Wolf Run 10k Challenge – 2017 Sunday 9th April (Welsh Road Farm, Warwickshire). Another group of women will be running the Wolf Run to raise money for the Bursary. Do you feel the call to join the pack? It’s a 10K mud and obstacle wild run and we have 13 women signed up so far. It is highly recommended by all the women who have run previously – you don’t have to be super fit (being able to run 5k is helpful) and there is still time to train. We will run as a pack at a pace that suits everyone. Working as a team, having a great time and releasing our inner wild women is the goal not getting round in the quickest time. It costs £39-£59 to enter depending on how soon you book your place and then we will each collect sponsorship to raise money for the bursary – suggested amount £100. You can choose to donate your entry fee or raise it back if you need. Please get in touch at bursary@womeninpoweruk.co.uk to book your place asap.