
ALisa Starkweather
Co FounderI am a certified Shadow Work® facilitator since 1993 and one of the original founders and designers of Women In Power. I have been avidly involved in ritual, rites of passage work, community building and healing for nearly 25 years.
I am the founder and facilitator of a two-year international women’s spirituality and leadership program, the acclaimed Priestess Path Apprenticeship. As a Women’s Empowerment Trainer, I help women to walk on fire, dance with serpents, sleep in caves and transform their lives with authenticity, connection and passion. I have three recordings of original chants for circles, Daughter of the Earth and Calling Us Home and Women Rise Up. I am the visionary and organizer of the Women’s Belly and Womb Conference, Daughters of the Earth Gatherings, the founder of the grassroots Red Tent Temple Movement and a featured teacher and speaker at several women’s gatherings worldwide including Making Way for the Feminine for the Benefit of the World Community in Jaipur India.
I am working on several initiatives and future visions for women at this time which include creating a global database for Women Rise Up alliance, Building the Sisterhood Bridge and a U.S. Women Rise Up tour with teachers, ceremonialists, activists and musicians. I am also seeking filmmakers that could help in a Red Tent Temple Youtube series on several women’s topics. My website is where you can join the mailing list and be a part of a women’s movement now that is shaking the trees.
“ALisa Starkweather is truly magic, deeply wild, and contagiously empowered. She has offered me personally , as well as countless women and men I know, profound renewal of faith and spiritual transformation. She has the ability to stir the hidden, undeveloped, wounded and long neglected parts of our souls into positive action. When ALisa has the opportunity to lead people in ritual or interactive workshops there can be no doubt that The Great Goddess Herself has charged her with the vital, timely work of awakening human beings to the mysteries of the Sacred Feminine.” A.W.

Aisha Hannibal
Web WeaversI want everyone to find their passion to make a positive contribution to the world. I’m a trainer in leadership, intercultural learning and communications. I teach, mentor and run workshops as a creativity coach, and in organizations I’m a facilitator and change manager. I co-founded the red tent directory and love women, my daughter and you lot.

Angela Triggs
R GroupI am in my sixties. My life, like my animal name, is ever changing.
Having retired from being very much in the commercial sector, I have found some time now for myself, and helping others when I can. I have slowed, I am literally older and wiser. I embrace eldership wholeheartedly.

Cali White
GatheringsAs a seeker of love, I am diving deep into the feminine mysteries of my Celtic roots. I’m on a journey of personal healing through energy work, tantra and sacred ceremony. I am passionate about women’s empowerment and building conscious community. I spend my time creating beauty, walking in nature and dreaming a lot!

Carol-Ann Hooper
DiversityMy commitment to women’s welfare and empowerment predates my WIP initiation (2008) by many years – my new vow was to include myself in the values I held for others. I’m now training as an interfaith minister and learning more about equality, diversity, healing and community all the time.

Catherine Newell
R GroupWith my youngest child having severe Autism, I sought support and discovered Shadow Work. This propelled me into a new career as a Shadow Work Coach and Group Facilitator. I now work regularly with individuals and groups and love supporting WiP initiations. My passion is to help everyone to be all they came here to be.

Chrissy Mc Farren
R GroupIn my life I wear many hats – rancher, farmer, businesswoman, facilitator, artist, wife, mother and grandmother. I love being with family and friends and tending horses and livestock at our Colorado ranch. My passion is regenerative agriculture and land restoration, plus supporting community organizations. My deepest desire is to help others in their healing journey.

Claire Humphries
GatheringsAs a holistic therapist, coach, singer, and reiki and spiritual school practitioner, I also help others grow their business online. My passion is connecting, loving and learning and holding space for others to love and accept themselves fully. I enjoy fireworks, beaches, walking in sunshine, exploring, rhubarb gin, and dancing.

Daisy Bruce
BursaryI am a Life Coach, working with women going through transition times and supporting their work/life wellbeing. Another part of my business is to help deeply nourish others through Aromatherapy. I love singing around a fire, dancing and wild camping. I am passionate about everyone’s voice being heard, wellbeing and community connection.

Debbie Collins
Honk! NewsletterHealing is my passion, both my own, and others, through acupuncture, counselling, supervision, Death Cafes, Women’s Wild Nourishment Retreats (with the lovely Liz Terry), creative expression including poetry, tantra and Movement Medicine, and, of course, sweat lodge. In fact anything that brings joy! I have a gorgeous grown up daughter to whom I dedicate my work.

Elgiva Tiptaft
GatheringsI am a mother, a lover of being with nature, a gardener, a poet at heart. I make things in 3D for joy – like small sculptures, things to wear. I’m learning to ride a motorbike, and learning to communicate more clearly. My work is treating bodies to the delights of being anointed with essential oils.

Elizabeth Klyne
Company Secretary, R CallsAs a Career Development and Shadow Work coach and group facilitator, I love to walk alongside people as a trusted friend, a sounding board and safe haven, encouraging and supporting them to bring the work of their hearts to the world.
I have two teenage sons and enjoy baking and badminton.

Genovefa Tiptaft
GatheringsAs a stylist, I help (mostly) women express their authentic selves through clothes. I’m a drum birthing woman, a maker, lover of the Sweat Lodge and fan of stomping outdoors. WiP has helped me to recognise my true nature, and I truly love gathering with my tribe at every opportunity.

Holiday Philips
DiversityI am an Integral coach, facilitator, and advisor on organizational culture, group dynamics and leadership. I’m passionate about social justice and planetary healing and have spent the last decade working with individuals and companies to create systems that serve all beings. I initiated in WIP in 2019.

Ilona Abanshina
Web WeaversI’m a Product Manager working for an online education platform for kids. I’ve created a mentorship program for my alma mater – Moscow State University. Passionate about personal transformation and innovations. Live in Moscow with my lovely husband and cat ^_^

Janine Romaner
Co FounderJanine Romaner, ND. I am a naturopathic doctor with a private practice north of Atlanta, GA in the US. I am a founding member of the Shadow Work® Guild, certified shadow Work® facilitator, trainer and mentor, and have been actively involved in community building and healing work for over two decades. I was honoured to be invited to join the original Women In Power founders’ team and assist continuing design development of this life-changing initiation.
I have travelled extensively throughout North America, southern Africa, Britain and Australia, lecturing and leading seminars. I am regularly featured on radio shows pushing the edge of mainstream practices, in the fields of natural medicine, archetypal patterns in Jungian psychotherapy and deep emotional healing. I am gifted in seeing and feeling into the roots of unwanted symptoms and awakening healing within.

Jo McNicholls
R GroupI am a massage and shiatsu practitioner and am trained as a Shadow Work coach and group facilitator. I live in Bristol with my husband, daughter and dog. Things I love…being out in wild nature, cooking delicious food, knitting toddler clothes, toys and blankets, sitting by a fire, quiet times.

Jude Blitz
Co FounderI am an original founder of Women In Power and a psychotherapist in private practice and a facilitator/trainer of Systemic Constellation Work in Boulder, Colorado. Certified in Hakomi Therapy and Shadow Work®, I am a practicing six-degree black belt in Aikido, which I teach at Naropa University. I am a mentor with the 4 Gateways Coaching Program. Out of sheer love, I have participated for years in women’s dream groups, and book groups.
I have been a member of a moon lodge for many years, then a member of the Rolling Crones, I created a yearly women’s retreat, Reclaim Our Feminine Initiations, workshops on Warriorship and the Feminine, and Meetings With Remarkable Women, Our Mothers. With my husband Tom Daly and colleagues Cliff Barry and Mary Ellen Blandford, I co-created the Inner Sovereign Training, for women and men.

Julie Ulbricht
Dens, R-CallsI love my life! I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Family Constellations Facilitator. I also teach the Amnanda Process which is an Ayurvedic trauma release therapy. I live in sunny Sussex with my new husband and my youngest son. I am on the Steering Group for Brighton Red Tent.

Karen Ferberman
Treasurer, Bursary, StaffingI have 30 years experience in finance, focusing on retirement advice for organisations and their employees. My passions, however, include creating safe communities, music, connection and making life fun. My proudest achievements are my two adult children and coming out into the authentic life I now live with my wife.

Karen Higgins
Gatherings, Registration, DensI am a ShadowWork coach and work one -on- one with women and men.
I am a passionate believer in the power of sitting in circle and in particular Womens Circles. I have been running Red Tent days at my home for many years.
I am married and have two young men for sons.

Karin Green
R GroupI am an adventure connoisseur. I love to journey, to our inner landscape through shadow work, to a beautiful vista or to the joy of laughing with friends. I am passionately drawn to the ocean. I live in the ocean state of Rhode-Island with my love and fellow adventurer Amos.

Kate Napier
Dens, R-CallsI’m passionate about communication, the fundamental importance of listening, and the planet’s need for compassion. I’m a teacher, theatre practitioner, One Spirit celebrant and spiritual counsellor, mother and grandmother. I’m growing into my creativity and nurturing a tiny business making spiritual textiles for all kinds of ministers.

Liz Remande-Guyard
Director, Diversity, Webweavers, Bursary, WiP FAM (France) supportI am a Shadow work coach and group facilitator + trainer/facilitator in the field of youth and community. I believe in the power of community, being in nature, women’s work, questioning, simplicity, and people. I live in Brighton with my husband and our 3 children.

Liz Terry
Ritual Guide, R callsI am a Singer, Natural Voice Practitioner, Facilitator and Shiatsu Therapist.
I run Resonance courses, women’s retreats to the wilds, a mentor team working with teen girls. I am passionate about environmental issues, community, creative ritual and womens/girls empowerment. I have two children and live with my partner in Stroud.

Lou Stanion
Gatherings; Honk! Newsletter, R-callsI am a product manager for a travel company and specialise in African safaris. I teach yoga and am constantly inspired by the healing effects on body and mind. I sit in a circle of ‘guardians’ who steer Red Tent St Albans. I love the wilderness, writing, swimming in the sea, and singing.

Lizzie Rothschild
Ex Director, Ritual guideI am a theatre practitioner and celebrant. I run a green burial ground.
I am passionate about reconnecting death with life, honouring life’s passages with appropriate ritual, women’s work, community, laughter, silence and the wild.
I live with my partner on an organic farm. We have two children.

Madeleine Lustigman
BursaryMum to Jonah, Leora and Barney, living with husband Jamie in London. I love outdoors, sunshine, music. We weave in between our school community, kind hearted friends and a big Jewish family! I run the North London Red Tent. I am skilled in home hospitality, charitable work and massage therapy.

Mary Ann Clements
DiversityAll my work is about bringing women together to make big change happen in the world.
Recently I founded Jijaze: a community for women who want to make a difference and a podcast called Change Making Women. I‘m also an International Development Practitioner and Shadow Work Coach. I’m based in London with my husband and Son.

Mirabelle Kirkland
DiversityAs a screenwriter, I am compelled to explore the minds, hearts and lives of others. I live in a wonderful permaculture eco-village where intermingling is life’s essence, requiring precious care. My wish is to be of service to co-create a resilient container at WiP, where ALL are safe and welcome.

Nicola Kurk
Co Founder, DirectorI have over 30 years’ experience in the field of personal development. I am internationally recognised as a trainer, mentor, coach and facilitator of Shadow Work.
I have created and led women-only Shadow Work® retreats that unearth buried aspects of the feminine soul and psyche and celebrate feminine Rites of Passage. I have travelled extensively to lead retreats, training sessions and spiritually-oriented seminars in the UK, Europe, Russia, Dubai and North America and have also taught facilitation and leadership skills to corporate clients.
Originally an artist, I am known for my sensitivity, passion for life and sense of fun as well as my intuition and perceptiveness. I bring rich texture and creative flair to all my endeavours.
I also work privately with both couples and individuals, drawing on extensive experience of intentional community, leadership, counselling, mediation and communication skills to support clients in reclaiming disowned parts of themselves and tapping into the well of intuition and wisdom that lives inside us all.

Pat Johnson
Ex-Director, DiversityI am a Shadow Work coach and facilitator, writer and gardener.
Ten years as a psychotherapist in Bristol; twelve years peace-building with Somali teams in the Horn of Africa: I am passionate about creating positive change and bridging different realms – and believe ‘another way is possible’ for this Earth tribe.

Rachael Posener
Registration, BursaryAs an Intuitive Bodyworker, I have spent over 20 years healing and nourishing women through life’s transitions. Now as I enter peri-menopause, I am learning good self-care by walking in nature, journaling, meditating and sitting in circle with women. My husband Dan and I live in St Albans with our two beautiful sons.

Rebecca Kriese
MailsI am passionate about health and wellbeing and practice Ayurvedic medicine in combination with Shadow Work to support myself, others to live life to the fullest. I live and work with my wonderful husband in Brighton and am blessed to be the mother of Ayla. Life is enriched by sitting in circle with women, being in the wild, and drawing from the wisdom of our ancestors.
I organise all the e-shots to the community.

Roxy Grimshaw
AccountantI am an accountant and Shadow work facilitator. I’ve been involved in women’s trainings for 20 years. Passions for me include shadow work, communication, colour, making fused glass art, opera, plants and my garden, the music of my youth, and the Buddhist principles of kindness and compassion.
I am the contact person for any issues with the Facebook groups

Sara Schley
Co FounderI am initiator and one of the three original founders of the Women In Power program. I am a certified Shadow Work® coach and facilitator. I am a coach, consultant, facilitator and thinking partner to individuals, organizations and communities.
With my husband and partner, Joe Laur, I am co-founder of Seed Systems, a company dedicated to personal and planetary healing. I am the creator of numerous communities and collaboratives for global and personal sustainability, including the international SoL Sustainability Consortium, Creating Sustainable Organizations: Meeting the Economic and Social Challenges of our Time, and Yes to Life.
I have been an Outward Bound instructor and a member of the Israeli analog to the Peace Corp. I am a published author, facilitator, speaker and teacher in the areas of social diversity, environmental sustainability and personal development.

Sarah McCrumlish
Web WeaversI believe in the divinity of all beings and our deep soul connection to each other. This motivates my on-going journey of self-discovery and heartfelt desire to share love. I work as a therapeutic counsellor and in my spare time I love to sing, make jewellery and immerse in nature

Sophie Boss
Director, StaffingI am a psychotherapist and author. For the past twenty years I have been working with women, exploring their relationship with food and their weight, empowering them to know and trust their bodies. I live in London and in Italy where I run retreats on my land in Puglia.

Sophie Hunter
R GroupI am a group coach, drama practitioner, director and project dreamer. I work mainly in the field of arts for children and young people. I live with my husband and our two gorgeous teen/pre-teen daughters, in North Derbyshire. I am passionate about being in nature, women’s work, holding space and connection.

Steph Ward
Honk! NewsletterForging connections to wild nature is a driving force in my life. I’m interested in the ritual and story of people and land, ancestors, magic and myth. I love to write and I’m Communications Lead for the Red Tent Directory. I work in conservation, I’m mother to two young children and I’m studying herbalism.

Sue Buckingham
Director, R Group, StaffingI’ve been coaching for nearly 20 years and am a Shadow Work Facilitator. Along with two others I’m bringing Shadow Work to Northern Ireland where I’ve lived since 2014. I homeschool my daughter and have two bonus children, one at University and one at secondary school. My pronouns are she/her.

Trupti Magecha
Director, Diversity, HONK! NEWSLETTERI am a documentary maker and photographer fascinated by the power of visual images. I work in education and mental health services to support self-expression, deepen the connection and to share stories creatively. I am a shadow work and art psychotherapist trainee and love being with WIP.

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