Hunger Sensei Tracker

Your job is to track the women coming to the Hunger Sensei.

  • You meet each woman at the entrance to the area where the hunger sensei are seated. You will need a clipboard and list of participants (with letter names) so you can tick each woman off to confirm she has spoken to a Hunger Sensei.
  • Ask them ‘What is your name?’ and then show them to the available Hunger Sensei. Ask them to come back to you when they have spoken to the Hunger Sensei.
  • Once they have seen the Hunger Sensei, you give them a white piece of cloth to tie round their wrist.
  • You may also have to send some women with special dietary requirements to see the cooks before they go to the Hunger Sensei.
  • Check in with the Hunger Sensei beforehand so they know you are there tracking the women through and they don’t have to.
See All Job Roles


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