
Cards and Posters for Sale!

We now have our cards and posters for sale – all lovingly created by women in our community and raising money for the bursary!They are packs of 4 cards that each contain 4 different designs and an A3 gloss poster featuring a collage of designs.

They will be for sale at any WiP events or you can order them by emailing with your request and address, paying into the bursary bank account with the reference ‘cards or poster’: W.I.P. Bursary Fund UK Sort Code: 08-92-99 A/C No: 65672910

  • Pack of 4 cards each containing a different design – £5 per pack + postage
  • 3 or more packs bought together – £4 per pack + postage.
  • A3 gloss poster featuring a collage designs; £5 each + postage
  • Posters