Art Day

Inaugural WiP Art Day 2016!

Jo McNicholls writes: On February 28th 2016 a small group of WIP women gathered for a day in a city farm community building in Bristol. Our aim was to get creative, to lightly and playfully explore our artistic expression and to connect in to our selves – whilst also raising money for the bursary fund! We spent time at the …

Wolf Run

We Did It – Wolf Run 2015 Success!

HUGE congratulations to this years Wolf Run Pack: Gemma, Kate, Zannah, Ellie and Agnes who completed the 10k wild run and raised over £1200 for the bursary fund. Another HUGE thankyou to all of you who donated and supported the team. Here’s Gemma’s blog summing up the experience: “I emerged from my tent on the morning of the Wolf Run …

Meet the Pack 2015

Wolf Run 2015 – Meet the Pack!

On Sunday 6th September a brave and hardy group of 5 women, led by Gemma, will tap into their wild strength and participate in the Wolf Run to raise money for the Women in Power Bursary Fund. The Wolf Run is a 10km wild run involving obstacles, water and lots of mud. Last year a pack of fabulous women did …


On Fundraising…

‘Creating a culture of giving. Strengthening our community’. Here are some words from Lizzie Rothschild, bursary fund founder, about the reciprocal benefits of fundraising for WiP and a call to our community: “I want to thank again all those who have already stepped up in so many ways for all they have done. And I want to say that this …

Fire Transform Me

Fire Transform Me…

We did it! And we raised over £1600 for the bursary fund – AMAZING. A huge thank you to the courageous firewalkers and the generosity of everyone who gave money and support. Check out the photos HERE. (Please note there are no photos of the actual firewalking because we needed all our focus and intention on the ritual itself) Julie, …

fire walk 2015

Fire Walk 2015

If you can walk over fire what else can you do?! On March 14th 2015 a courageous group of WIP women, led by Julie Rawnsley, will gather in Sussex to walk over hot coals and raise money for the bursary. If you wish to sponsor the event you can donate through paypal on this site. Contact: for more details.

2014 Wolf Run

The Wolf Run 2014

In 2014 a pack of WIP women formed to run The Wolf Run – a 10K wild run to raise money for the bursary. Eleanor Brown, Aisha Hannibal, Caz Ingall, Sue Buckingham, Fan Lebel and Steph Ward trained for months to complete the inagural WIP WOlf Run event. Sadly Steph had to pull out on the day due to ill-health …

Wolf CD

The WIP CD Project

In 2013 the first bursary fundraiser was birthed in the shape of a CD. The vision to manifest a collection of songs was held by Liz Terry over several years and birthed through a precious collaboration with Maya Waldman, Sam Elvyhart, Eleanor Brown and Karen Coren with encouraging support from the WIP community, especially Lizzie Rothschild who had the idea …

Bursary Banner


“Create a culture of giving. Strengthen our community.” Welcome to the Women in Power UK Bursary Group blog where you can find out about all our latest fundraising adventures! The Bursary Team very much welcome your involvement and here’s a note from Lizzie about how brilliant it is to fundraise for WiP! Thank you for all your support and all …